Samstag, 24. Januar 2015

It’s getting cold in Germany

And I’m not talking about the weather. I’m talking about those xenophobic idiots which call themselves #pegida, trying to hide their obvious racism.

In short, this group is against the “islamification of the western world”; afraid that they have to celebrate Christmas in a mosque (instead of a church) one day.

So they demand deportations of refugees and stuff like that – to them those are all criminals anyway!


So let me give you my view of the situation: I welcome everyone in Germany. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, which religion you believe in, etc.

You’re welcome here! I’m willing to give a reasonable amount of my income to you – as tax.

I’d like you to feel as comfortable here as possible. To feel integrated. To feel – at home.

Because: No matter who you are – you will make Germany more beautiful. You’ll bring some kind of diversity that we’ve missed.


Next up: Data Preservation

This is so stupid, I don’t even know where to begin. In short: it is too easy to remain anonymous on the internet. There’s Tor and VPNs and proxies and…

There’re a number of groups which have an interest in preventing that. So the old boogeyman “terrorists” is brought on stage to justify data preservation and the prohibition of encryption.

They’ve been trying this for years. If it’s not “Captain Picard” it’s terrorist. Don’t get me wrong: cp is serious stuff and needs to be obliterated. But data preservation won’t help. It won’t help with the terrorists either.

We’re just sacrificing freedom for “security”. A very bad deal.



Love and tolerance…



Samstag, 10. Januar 2015

Another project finished

Good news, guys.
We've finished our work on the subtitles for "A Very Potter Sequel" today and will upload the remaining two episodes tonight - if YouTube doesn't goof it up, that is.

So it took us 40 days (~6 weeks) to do it. That's a good performance, I guess. And what's even better: there are very few [???] lines in it, which is thanks to RorySeizeTheDay, who did an incredible job helping us.

Now, it's up to you what you make of it. Maybe you'll just enjoy watching it. Or you would like to send corrections. Others have already told us, that they are using our script/srt files to translate it into their language. We really like that. The more languages it gets translated into, the more people can enjoy it.
So if you have any kind of questions or need help - feel free to ask/contact us:
You can do whatever you want with our work, as long as you give credit to StarKidPotter (and maybe you could mention us, but we don't insist on it).

Montag, 6. Oktober 2014


Hello everyone. This is ben – how are y’all today? Are you excited? Excited that Team Starkid has announced the YouTube release for their new show ani?

Well, that’s great, isn’t it?

Now, before you ask: yes, we will do the subtitles for it. I mean, why wouldn’t we? We’ve written subtitles for almost every starkid show on YouTube (in English and German):

  • A Very Potter Musical
  • A Very Potter Sequel
  • A Very Potter Senior Year
  • Me And My Dick
  • Starship
  • B@man
  • Twisted

Hundreds of hours of work!!! All for you. For free. Because we’re pretty awesome and altruistic.


…Generosity has it’s limits. I never really cared for statistics. Our YouTube channel is not monetized so I couldn’t care less about how many subscribers we have or how many clicks we’re generating.

You never have seen (and never will see) us fishing for subscribers, comments or likes.

It can still be frustrating seeing many users unsubscribe because we’re uploading some of our own stuff – in which you’re obviously not interested.

So when the show get’s released – be patient for our subtitles. Don’t expect me to show the same effort I did for Twisted (which was done in under a week!). KeGlu definitely will – but I won’t.



Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014


We realized how far in the past we did 'Starkid all around the world'. And though we update it until today, it's hard to find it for our co-starkids ;-). So here is the link again.

See ya



Wir haben bemerkt vor wie langer Zeit wir 'Starkid all around the world' gemacht haben. Und auch wenn wir es bis heute updaten, ist es für unsere Co-Starkids schwer es zu finden ;-). Also hier nochmal der Link.

Bis bald


Link 'Starkid all around the world':

Freitag, 29. November 2013

Downloading our subtitles

If you want to download our subtitles (in ssa format), simply follow this link:

We've moved our subtitles to github because I want to have them all in one single place. Furthermore I really like the version control.

Just click on the "download zip" button on the right side.

If you have a git client (like TortoiseGit and Git For Windows), you can clone our repository from here:


Freitag, 27. September 2013

VirtualDub Subtitler Plugin - Line Breaks

I just spent half an hour to fix an error which wasn't one. So, to share my pain and solution, here's the issue:

I was having troubles with line-breaks with the subtitler plug-in for VirtualDub by Avery Lee. I had written subtitles (ssa) with karaoke in them.
To manually break lines, I did something like:


This looks good in Aegisub, but the subtitler plugin wouldn't parse the line breaks.

And this is correct. Line breaks at the beginning of a line don't make sense. So to fix the issue, just use this instead:


Freitag, 29. März 2013

Sad Yuffi is sad


our very dear friends (spot the sarcasm) from YouTube have bitch slapped us. There was a content-id match in our English teaser for A Matter Of Getting Used To. The background music belongs to Pianochocolate.

Now, the funny thing is, that this song was released under the Creative Commons licence - which means that we can do whatever the buck we want with it - as long as we name the author (we did so after we noticed).

Now, we have done that objection thing and wait for an answer. The thing is, that our channel could get closed because of that. Even worse, this is the second time we had a content-id match. You know the rules - 3 strikes and you're out!

Anyway, should our channel get closed, we will move our videos to one of our many back-up channels. It's just so annoying. We don't have a fast internet connection...

Yours sad,

Traurige Yuffi ist traurig


Unsere lieben Freunde (wer erkennt die Ironie?) von YouTube haben uns eine verplettet. Es gab einen Content-id Treffer in unserem englischen Teaser für A Matter Of Getting Used To. Die Musik im Hintergrund gehört Pianochocolate.

Das merkwürdige daran ist, dass das Lied unter Creative
Also, wir haben Widerspruch eingelegt und warten auf eine Antwort. Die Sache ist die, dass unser Kanal deswegen geschlossen werden könnte. Noch schlimmer: Das ist schon das zweite Mal, dasss wir einen Content Treffer hatten. Ihr kennt die Regeln - 3 Strikes und man ist draußen!

Egal, sollte unser Kanal geschlossen werden, werden wir unsere Videos auf einen unserer vielen Back-up Kanaäle verlagern. Es ist nur so nervig. Wir haben keine besonders schnelle Internetleitung...

Eure traurige
