Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010

A Very Potter Sequel - Fanmade DVD

Download Links
(and MD5 checksums)

Option 1 - 5 Parts (1GB each) zip format:

AVPS fanmade DVD 1/5


AVPS fanmade DVD 3/5

AVPS fanmade DVD 4/5

AVPS fanmade DVD 5/5

Option 2 - 23 Parts (200MB each) rar format:

AVPS fanmade DVD.part01.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part02.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part03.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part04.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part05.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part06.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part07.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part08.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part09.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part10.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part11.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part12.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part13.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part14.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part15.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part16.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part17.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part18.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part19.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part20.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part21.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part22.rar

AVPS fanmade DVD.part23.rar

What the hell is MD5?

It's a fingerprint of a file. The idea is the following:

I create a file and calculate its fingerprint. Now when I upload it to Megaupload there may be errors while transferring the file from my computer to the Megaupload server. To see if the file was received exactly the way it's stored on my computer, I check if the fingerprint of the uploaded file is the same.

And when you download the file from Megaupload, there can be errors during the transfer as well. To ensure you received the file without any error, you can now calculate it's fingerprint and check if it's the same as the ones above.

If a file has an incorrect fingerprint, you have to re-download that file (because your download was broken and the file you received is worthless).

Software to calculate MD5 fingerprints

Our little batch (which uses fsum). Just extract the files into the same folder where you downloaded the avps files and run "testdownload.bat":

Or you can use this software:



New improved subtitles
(if you want to make your very own DVD or something):

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Wir bauen eine DVD

Tja, wird leider nichts mit der HD Qualität auf der DVD. Geht leider nicht, da DVDs nur eine bestimmte Auflösung haben dürfen - und HD gab es damals noch nicht.

Aber dafür könnt ihr uns nun zugucken, wie wir unsere DVD basteln - und evtl. mitmachen.
Näheres erfahrt ihr hier:
Wir bauen eine DVD
(kann noch etwas dauern - lädt gerade erst hoch)

Dienstag, 28. September 2010

New Project / Neues Projekt - AVPS Fanmade DVD

[For our English friends]
Yep, we're doing it again. We are slowly starting to work on the AVPS DVD. Today I looked for a better way (than Megaupload) to share the DVD once it's finished, but I haven't found anything. So it seems that you guys will have to live with slow downloads again.
It will be a real pain, because the files will be huge, due to the HD quality.

Best wishes,

[Für unsere Deutschen Freunde]
Ja, wir tun's schon wieder. Wir fangen langsam an, an der AVPS DVD zu arbeiten. Hab heute mal geschaut, ob ich die DVD, wenn sie denn mal fertig ist, besser als mit Megaupload anbieten kann. Wird aber nichts. Also werdet ihr wieder mit langsamen Downloads rechnen müssen.
Das wird echt 'ne Qual, da die DVD riesengroß wird (wegen der HD Qualität).

Alles Gute,

Freitag, 3. September 2010

A Very Potter Sequel - Finished/Fertig

Hi guys,
so it took 40 days, but now it's finished. Below you'll find the updated script.

Hi Leute,
wir haben es also geschafft. Das gesammte Musical ist untertitelt mit nur wenigen [???]. Hier ist die aktuelle Version des Skripts:

Script & subtitles - Skript und Untertitel

Donnerstag, 19. August 2010

A Very Potter Musical - Script/Skript

And here is the script for A Very Potter Musical:

AVPM Script/Skript

Sorry, there is no german script.
Leider haben wir unser deutsches Skript nicht mehr. :-(

Mittwoch, 18. August 2010

A Very Potter Sequel - Skript zum Download

Ich finde es wirklich furchtbar, dass man auch als Uploader eines Videos keine Links in den Kommentaren schreiben kann. Also hier der Umweg über unseren Blog.

Wer unsere Quelldateien (Skript als TXT, Untertitel als SRT) haben will, findet hier einen Snapshot zum Download:

AVPS - Skript [2010-08-18]

AVPS - Skript [2010-08-24]
AVPS - Skript [2010-08-29]

Ich werde gelegentlich eine aktuelle Version nachreichen.
Viel Spaß damit.

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010

A Very Potter Musical - The Quiz Show

Imagine you'd be a candidate in
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
and the 15 questions would all be referring to
A Very Potter Musical.

The million is as good as yours? Sure?
Prove it!

We proudly present our fanbased quiz show. It's uploading now...

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010

We will hardsub "A Very Potter Sequel"

Hi there,
we have recently decided that we will continue our hard work - we will do "A Very Potter Sequel" once it is uploaded by StarKidPotter.

So stay tuned,

Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

We are back

Title says it all. We are back...

Dienstag, 30. März 2010


We are currently on vacation.
Day of return: 2010-04-06

Dienstag, 2. März 2010

DVD Finished - Testing phase started

Hi folks,
we finished our DVD tonight and are now entering testing phase. We are very happy with our results and can't wait for your opinion.
I just tested it on a real DVD-Player and found a few bugs, which I just fixed. Last test-round starts tomorrow, and then we will upload it for you.
So, you can start downloading tomorrow evening.

See you then,

Samstag, 27. Februar 2010


Sorry for not keeping the promise, but there are some delays in the creation of the DVD.
  1. We have to manually add "line-breaks" in the srt(s), because the program cannot wrap text at the corners of the screen - and that sucks!
  2. The program cannot render umlauts. This is really a problem for our german subtitles, because we have to substitute all "ä" with "ae", "ü" with "ue", etc. It's really annoying and looks like shit. But I guess it can't be helped.

There are also minor problems that can't be fixed. Our time-codes differ a little bit (I think the program does some kind of rounding, which virtualDub did not), so that subtitles which were displayed shortly are nearly unreadable (too fast). I really don't want to mess with the time-codes again, sorry! It's boring work and I'm not up for that.

Anyway, these fixes take some time, so we are not ready by now. What we do have is a cool intro, a stylish menu and some bonuses.
I don't want to give a new deadline. Maybe I will finish it in the next days, maybe it will take the whole next week. What I can promise is, that it WILL be done.

Stay tuned, please be patient.
Yours yuffi

Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

A Very Potter Musical - Fanmade DVD

As suggested/requested by SuzanneBlinkie, we are currently working on a fanmade DVD of the awesome fanmusical by StarKidPotter.

It's a very fun thing to do, but it proves to be more complicated than expected. It's not that easy to author a DVD providing soft-subtitles. And we also want multiple subtitle channels - german and english that is.

So after traversing through numerous software solutions (including "Corel DVD MovieFactory" and "TmpEnc DVD Author 3"), I finally think I found the right one: "DVDLab PRO".

If you like the idea of watching the musical with subtitles on your DVD-Player, just wait a little longer. We will provide a download link once it's finished - this Friday I suppose.