Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

A Very Potter Musical - Fanmade DVD

As suggested/requested by SuzanneBlinkie, we are currently working on a fanmade DVD of the awesome fanmusical by StarKidPotter.

It's a very fun thing to do, but it proves to be more complicated than expected. It's not that easy to author a DVD providing soft-subtitles. And we also want multiple subtitle channels - german and english that is.

So after traversing through numerous software solutions (including "Corel DVD MovieFactory" and "TmpEnc DVD Author 3"), I finally think I found the right one: "DVDLab PRO".

If you like the idea of watching the musical with subtitles on your DVD-Player, just wait a little longer. We will provide a download link once it's finished - this Friday I suppose.

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