- We have to manually add "line-breaks" in the srt(s), because the program cannot wrap text at the corners of the screen - and that sucks!
- The program cannot render umlauts. This is really a problem for our german subtitles, because we have to substitute all "ä" with "ae", "ü" with "ue", etc. It's really annoying and looks like shit. But I guess it can't be helped.
There are also minor problems that can't be fixed. Our time-codes differ a little bit (I think the program does some kind of rounding, which virtualDub did not), so that subtitles which were displayed shortly are nearly unreadable (too fast). I really don't want to mess with the time-codes again, sorry! It's boring work and I'm not up for that.
Anyway, these fixes take some time, so we are not ready by now. What we do have is a cool intro, a stylish menu and some bonuses.
I don't want to give a new deadline. Maybe I will finish it in the next days, maybe it will take the whole next week. What I can promise is, that it WILL be done.
Stay tuned, please be patient.
Yours yuffi